Summer Camp Success Stories: Alanna and the Girls of Team 5

And here they are! The last in our series of summer camp success stories. Enjoy!

Alanna, age 13, is the type of girl that has the ability to easily connect with girls of various ages and backgrounds.  On any given day, it’s not unusal to see her move from group to group, leaving a trail of smiles behind her, and helping connect quieter girls to others at camp. Whether she was helping an 8 year old start a friendship bracelet, or befriending a quieter 13 year old camper on our team, or even using her booming voice to call for clean-up of plates, cups, and silverware at meals during overnight camp, she was a great leader on our team!

– Coach Nicole D, Team 6

On the first day of camp Team 5 came to Union Park as 19 very diverse, anxious and enthusiastic girls. Some were new to camp and very shy and some were veterans, but at the end of the first week it seemed like some girls had known each other for years. Through our curriculum activities they began exploring new sports and ideas together, often outside of their comfort zones. During lunchtime and team time they shared with each other their own skills like double-dutch, card games, songs, stories and personalities. By the middle of camp the team had transformed into pockets of new best friends who were inseparable. But they didn’t stop there. The girls continued to step outside of their comfort zones, make friends with new Team 5 members and girls from other teams. By the time overnight camp came they had gelled into one solid group. They knew each other’s quirks, worries, laughter, jokes and favorite songs. On the last day of camp during yearbook signing, I was surprised to find Team 5 girls in tears because camp was ending. They were writing their favorite camp memories on the yearbooks and t-shirts of their new camp friends and already making plans for next summer.

-Coach Lisa, Team 5